The other day, I was exiting my car at the post office, mentally juggling my to-do list—mail a few bills, pick up stamps, and maybe grab a coffee afterward. You know, the usual errands. But as I stepped out, something unexpected happened. My Mental Health Warrior Challenge Coin slipped from my hand, and before I could even react, it rolled across the parking lot, spinning and gleaming like it had just been cast in a dramatic movie scene. I sighed, thinking it was gone for good, rolling into the abyss of hard-to-reach places.
But just as I was about to wave goodbye to the coin, a sleek black car pulled up beside it. The window rolled down, and out leaned none other than John Wick himself. Yes, the John Wick. He scooped up the coin with a casual ease that only a master assassin could manage. I blinked in disbelief. Apparently, even legendary assassins have to mail bills too. Who knew?
He glanced at the coin in his hand, feeling its weight, and then looked up at me. “Mental Health Warrior?” he asked, reading the front. His eyebrows raised in curiosity. “That’s right,” I said, walking over. “It’s part of the Mental Health Warrior Program, a new Self Help Approach, that I created based on my 20+ years struggling with Bipolar, Alcoholism, Anxiety Disorders, and PTSD. The coin is part of the program that we can carry with us each day. A tangible reminder that we are warriors and can triumph over our mental health challenges.”
John’s face softened slightly, and he flipped the coin over, noticing the warrior wisdom engraved on the back. “Portable motivation, huh?” He gave a half-smile. “I’ve carried a lot of coins in my time, but this one’s got a different kind of power.” I couldn’t have put it better myself!
The Warrior Coin: Portable Reminder of Strength
John Wick, a man familiar with challenge coins from his many “adventures” (and by adventures, I mean chaotic, bullet-ridden quests for vengeance), was clearly intrigued. But this coin wasn’t like the ones he used in his world. This coin had a different purpose. It wasn’t just a token; it was a symbol of resilience, a tangible reminder that you carry your strength with you. It’s the kind of thing you can hold tightly when life’s challenges come up—whether it’s an anxiety attack, a wave of depression, or just the overwhelming stress of a long day.
John handed the coin back to me, but not before he shared how he could see it being useful in his line of work. Surprisingly, his examples applied just as well to the rest of us non-assassins.
1. Staying Grounded in Chaos
John started with what he knows best: chaos. “You’d be surprised how easy it is to lose focus when you’ve got, let’s say, a dozen people trying to take you out,” he said with his signature deadpan delivery. “When the world’s falling apart around you, sometimes all you need is something to ground you. This coin? It’s heavy. It’s solid. In the middle of chaos, I could hold this in my hand, remind myself to stay centered, and breathe.”
How We Can Use It:
While most of us won’t be dodging bullets, life can still feel pretty chaotic. Whether it’s a stressful day at work, dealing with difficult emotions, or just feeling overwhelmed, having something tangible like the Mental Health Warrior Challenge Coin can serve as a grounding tool. When you’re spinning out of control, just holding the coin can remind you to take a deep breath and refocus.
2. A Reminder of Inner Strength
John continued, flipping the coin over. “You know, in my line of work, it’s easy to feel like everything’s stacked against you. But this coin? It’s a reminder that the strength you need is already inside you. You don’t need to wait for backup or a miracle. You just need to remind yourself of the tools you’ve got.”
He tapped the coin lightly, emphasizing its weight. “When things get tough, I’d use this to remind myself that I’ve faced worse. You carry your power with you, just like this coin.”
How We Can Use It:
We all face moments when life feels too hard. When you’re doubting yourself or feeling overwhelmed, the Mental Health Warrior Challenge Coin can serve as a reminder of your inner strength. Hold it, feel its weight, and remember—you’ve survived tough times before, and you’ll get through this too. The power is within you, and sometimes, all it takes is a small reminder to bring that strength to the surface.
3. A Tool for Reflection and Decision-Making
John gave me one last example. “I’ve made a lot of decisions—some good, some not so good,” he admitted. “But when you’re standing at a crossroads, having something to reflect on helps. I could see myself flipping this coin, not to make the decision for me, but to give me a moment to pause. A second to reflect.”
He gave the coin a spin between his fingers, demonstrating. “Sometimes, you just need to take a breath before making a move. This coin would help me do that.”
How We Can Use It:
Decision-making is tough for everyone, not just elite assassins. When you’re faced with a tough choice or struggling to figure out your next move, using the coin as a tool for reflection can help. Hold it, take a moment to pause, and let it remind you to think things through. It’s not about luck—it’s about clarity and focus.
Sharing the Coin’s Purpose
As we finished our conversation, I couldn’t help but feel like this encounter was meant to be. John had offered some solid insights (pun intended), and I could tell he genuinely saw the value in the Mental Health Warrior Challenge Coin. So, on a whim, I decided to hand him one of my extra coins. “You should have one of these,” I said, holding out the coin.
John looked at me, then at the coin, and smiled—an expression so rare it might have been worth a whole movie scene on its own. “Thanks,” he said, taking the coin and slipping it into his jacket pocket. “I’ll carry it with me. And don’t worry, I won’t trade this one for lodging,” he added with a wink, referencing the infamous coins from his world.
And with that, John Wick disappeared into the day, leaving me standing in the parking lot, feeling pretty good about the fact that I’d just shared a bit of mental health wisdom with one of the most legendary action heroes of all time.
A Final Thought
John’s right—whether you’re an assassin fighting off enemies or just a regular person dealing with life’s challenges, the Mental Health Warrior Challenge Coin is more than just a token. It’s a symbol of strength, a tool for grounding, and a reminder that we carry the power to triumph over any challenge life throws our way!
Bruce Schutter
Creator of Mental Health Warrior Program and Challenge Coin