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Taming the (Monday Morning) Mountain of Challenges with Mindset Rule 52: Action Brings Triumph

Updated: Aug 25

We’ve all been there: it’s Monday morning, and you’re hit with an avalanche of problems. Whether it’s a pile of emails, a looming deadline, or just the general chaos of starting a new week, the feeling of being overwhelmed can be paralyzing. For many, the instinct is to hide, procrastinate, or simply surrender to the pile of challenges. I used to think that pushing off problems would somehow give me the room to manage them better. But here’s a hard truth: delaying action doesn’t solve anything!

That’s where Mindset Rule 52 comes into play: "Only when you first acknowledge a challenge can you make progress." This rule has become my go-to strategy for navigating the overwhelming chaos of Monday mornings, and frankly, any time life feels unmanageable.



Step 1 - Acknowledge the Challenge

The first step sounds counterintuitive. When facing a mountain of problems, acknowledging them seems like the last thing you want to do. My natural inclination used to be ignoring the issues, hoping they’d magically disappear. Spoiler alert: they never do. Especially when dealing with mental health challenges and disorders, ignoring them only gives them more power and control over your day.

By acknowledging your challenges, you take the first step in regaining control. It’s like shining a light on the monster under your bed – it might still be there, but at least you can see the challenges in the light of day and the feeling of being scared/overwhelmed will start to fade. For monsters under the bed and mental health challenges, share a common fear… they hate the spotlight! Shine a light on them, and watch as they shrink and lose their scare factor faster than you can say "boo!"



Step 2 - Make a List

Once I acknowledge the problems, I grab a piece of paper and jot down a list of the challenges I’m facing. This simple act of writing things down helps me see the issues more clearly and assess their complexity and importance. Often, my anxiety blows things out of proportion. Seeing the problems listed in black and white allows me to break them down into manageable pieces.

Next to each problem, I jot down notes on possible solutions. No need for a 10-page report here—just a few steps or ideas for tackling each issue. This second step makes me feel like a superhero. I’ve got a plan, not just a list of problems, and I’m the one calling the shots. Plus, it's another action step building on the first one. See how you're now flipping the power dynamics in your favor? You're moving forward on that mountain of problems that used to make you want to hide under the bed!


Step 3 - Put the Plan into Action

The third step is crucial: putting the plan into action. This is where the rubber meets the road, and we start to move forward from the challenges. Now, the key here is to remember that any action, big or small, is the only requirement for this step. So, don’t get overwhelmed by your list of actions; instead, remember, action is the key. It will help us start to address the problems and firmly place us in control of the day. As warriors, that’s exactly where we want to be.

For instance, if I’m overwhelmed by work emails, I might start by sorting them into categories: urgent, important but not urgent, and can wait. This helps me prioritize and take the first step in managing the workload. Or, if personal issues are weighing me down, I might reach out to a friend for a quick chat to get a different perspective and emotional support.

Think of it like this: If the problems are monsters under the bed, then action is the flashlight. Shine it around a bit, and suddenly those problems aren’t so scary anymore. Plus, there’s something incredibly satisfying about crossing items off a list. It’s like a mini victory parade every time you tick something off. And who doesn’t love a good victory parade, even if it’s just in your head?

So, the next time you’re staring down a mountain of problems, remember that taking action, no matter how small, is your secret weapon. Whether it’s organizing emails or calling a friend, every step forward is a step towards conquering that mountain and claiming your warrior status for the day.



It Keeps Me from Backsliding

Another critical aspect of this rule is how it helps keep my mountain of challenges from becoming so overwhelming that I consider going back to drinking to avoid everything. When you’re faced with a seemingly insurmountable pile of problems, it’s easy to slip into the dangerous mindset of thinking that alcohol or another form of escape might provide relief. But that’s a slippery slope that only leads to more problems.

Mindset Rule 52 gives me the kick in the b#tt I need to avoid that kind of thinking. By acknowledging my challenges and taking actionable steps to address them, I stay on the path of living life without alcohol. This rule reminds me that I have the power to tackle my problems head-on, without resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms.



Never Forget the Truth

Life’s journey isn’t a straight line. It’s more like an enthusiastic toddler with a crayon, scribbling all over the place. It’s a dance of curves, spins, and twists that add excitement and joy to our days. Sure, it can feel more like a rollercoaster at times, but hey, who doesn't love a good thrill ride?

Acknowledge the inseparable bond between challenges and progress, and you can redirect your energy into enjoying the journey. Picture it: instead of stressing out over every bump and turn, you’re laughing and throwing your hands in the air, enjoying the ride. This mindset helps bypass the stress and anxiety that come from resisting the natural ebb and flow of life.

So, next time life throws you a curveball, remember it’s all part of the ride. But with your Mental Health Warrior tools, you’re ready to triumph each day. So, embrace the twists and turns of life with confidence and a smile!


Mental Health Warriors Rock

In the end, Mindset Rule 52 – "Only when you first acknowledge a challenge can you make progress" – is a powerful tool for reclaiming control and pushing back against the overwhelming nature of life’s challenges. Whether it’s the dreaded Monday morning avalanche or any other time you feel overwhelmed, use this rule to kickstart your action plan.

Remember, as Mental Health Warriors, we don’t hide from problems or let them control us. We face them, acknowledge them, and take action. This proactive approach helps keep depression and anxiety at bay and ensures that we stay in charge of our lives. Instead, we take control, move forward, and live life on our terms. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, break out Mindset Rule 52 and let’s take action together!

Bruce Schutter

Taming the Mountain of Challenges with Mindset Rule 52


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