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Picture of Bruce Schutter, creator and author of the Mental Health Warrior Program

Meet Bruce

After struggling with Bipolar, Alcoholism and Anxiety Disorder for over 20+ years, I reached a breaking point where I no longer wanted to be part of this world. But with a second chance at life, I set out to find an answer to my life’s challenges. I discovered that Mental Health is the key to triumphing over any challenge in life!


Armed with this knowledge, I created the Mental Health Warrior Program. A grass roots approach to mental health that teaches you emotional awareness, self-empowerment and supports personal growth.


Rooted in my experiences, each book in the program offers a unique solution, anchored in everyday life activities, for building strong Mental Health. As the Mental Health Warrior approach is not about finding a quick fix, but is meant to be a daily companion, empowering you to pursue what you value in life, triumph over any challenge, and find greater happiness in each day.


For you are a Mental Health Warrior!


Bruce Schutter

(Author, motivational speaker, and creator of the Mental Health Warrior Program, Challenge Coin and Designs (on clothing and accessories).


(*Books written, illustrated and covers created by me, because I wanted to show that we can achieve success even with mental health disorders. Ok, I think you get the point, you are not limited by your mental health challenges, so let’s get back to helping you become a Mental Health Warrior!)

A little bit more about me...

Certified Health Coach - ACE
Certified Personal Trainer - NASM

Behavior Change Specialist - ACE
Certified Sports Nutrition Coach - NASM
Certified Nutrition Coach - Precision Nutrition
Certified Sleep, Stress Management and Recovery Coach - PN

Plus, 15+ years in the Information Technology Field (Support Analyst, Developer and Project Manager), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and a plethora of other jobs including small business owner.

Mental Health Warrior Program

Grass roots approach to mental health that teaches you:

Emotional Awareness

Learn to ally with your emotions and unlock their power.



Unique Solutions, anchored in everyday activities, to build strong mental health.


Personal Growth

Uncover your Values and Build the life you really want.

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Mental Health Warrior Book Series

(Click on any book to learn more)
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