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Pursuit of "Less Stuff and More Experiences"

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Pack Light, Live Large

How the Pursuit of “Less Stuff, More Experiences” helped me build strong mental health and increased my happiness each day.


Includes tools, tips, and strategies that you can use to achieve success with this powerful new way of living, as well as personal stories and insights.

He is absolutely right. "Make small changes at every opportunity. That is what will transform your life."
Sarah L.

What if everything you needed for happiness in Life could fit into One Bag?


The answer to that unique question helped me uncover my values and embrace a new mindset of “Less Stuff, More Experiences”.  This winning combination not only exponentially increased my daily happiness, but also aligned my time and energy with my core values, strengthening my mental health and the ability to triumph over life’s challenges.


Within the pages of this book, you'll dive into the One Bag Life, exploring its multitude of benefits, and learning practical ways to embrace it in your life. A 3-Step packing plan, supported by real-life examples, guides you in uncovering your values and deciding what goes into your one bag life.


Plus, explore tools to declutter your life of physical items, making space for more experiences and less stuff. And last but certainly not least, embrace the LEAP mnemonic to sustain and revel in the abundant benefits of the One Bag Life.


Mental Health Warriors, it’s time to pack light and live large!


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