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Triumph over Mental Health Challenges with the Power of N=1: Chat with Winnie the Pooh

Writer's picture: Bruce SchutterBruce Schutter

Updated: Nov 4, 2024

Triumph over Mental Health Challenges with power of N=1

One sunny afternoon, I found myself in a cozy corner of the Hundred Acre Wood, enjoying the peacefulness of the day. I had just finished my usual walk when I saw none other than Winnie the Pooh, my old friend, waddling toward me. His face lit up when he spotted me.


“Bruce!” he exclaimed in that familiar, comforting tone. “I was hoping to run into you today. There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Intrigued, I smiled back. “Well, Pooh, you’ve found me. What’s on your mind?” Pooh plopped down beside me, his fluffy face unusually thoughtful. “You know, I’ve been using that self-help approach from your Mental Health Warrior Program, and I must say… it works wonders! I can use it every day, and it makes such a difference!”


I nodded. “That’s exactly why I created it, Pooh. After struggling for over 20 years with Bipolar Disorder, Alcoholism, Anxiety Disorders, and PTSD from my time as an EMT with the rescue squad, I needed something that would put me back in charge of my mental health. The self-help approach of the program gave me the power to triumph over any challenge life threw my way.”


Pooh looked at me, eyes wide. “That’s incredible, Bruce! I’ve been using it every day to help me manage my own… um… you know, small challenges like running out of honey. But now that you mention it, I feel there’s something more. Something else I could use to help me overcome any challenge.” I grinned. “Pooh, there is another powerful element that is part of the Mental Health Warrior Program’s self-help approach.”


Pooh’s face lit up with excitement, and he leaned in closer. “Really? Do you have time to tell me about it now?” “There’s no better time than now, Pooh,” I said. “Let me tell you about the power of N=1 and how it work in the Mental Health Warrior Program.



The Power of "N=1"

I began to explain. “Pooh, the concept of N=1 comes from scientific studies. It represents the number of participants in a trial or test. Usually, researchers test multiple people to find patterns, but N=1 means the trial is focused on just one person—you. And in the Mental Health Warrior Program, N=1 means that YOU are the only participant in the exercise.”


Pooh’s eyes grew wide. “Me? Just me?” “Exactly!” I replied. “The Mental Health Warrior Program is built on the idea that while we all share emotions, everyone’s journey is unique. Therefore we apply the power of N=1, so you’re in the driver’s seat. You test what works for you, and no one else gets to make that decision. That way, you can’t fail!”


Pooh clapped his hands together in excitement. “So, that means I get to choose what works for me, just like you did with your struggles?” I nodded. “Exactly. Let me give you three examples of how N=1 has empowered me as a Mental health Warrior.”



Example 1: Setting My Own Pace

“One of the best parts about N=1 is that I can work at my own pace,” I said. “When I first started the program, I had a full-time job in IT, home responsibilities, and my personal struggles with mental health. N=1 allowed me to fit the program into my life rather than trying to fit my life into a program. I was able to work on my mental health in small, manageable steps that fit around my schedule.


Some days were fast-paced, others slower, but it was always at my pace.”


Pooh’s Takeaway:

Pooh tilted his head thoughtfully. “So, you didn’t have to rush or slow down for anyone else. You could just be… you?” I smiled. “Exactly. And that’s the beauty of it, Pooh. Everyone’s life is different, so N=1 lets you choose what works for you and at the pace that works for you!”



Example 2: Choosing Tools for My Unique Challenges

I continued, “The second benefit of N=1 is that I can choose the tools that fit my unique combination of challenges. I have Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, and a history of Alcoholism, so I need tools that target all of those. For example, I use a selection of warrior tools that help me manage my anxiety, bipolar depression and help me from backsliding into drinking.”


As I explained how I used N=1 to choose tools for my specific combination of challenges, Pooh rubbed his chin, deep in thought. “So, it’s like choosing which honey jars to use for different meals?” I chuckled. “Exactly! You get to pick what works best for your situation.”


Pooh’s Takeaway:

Pooh's eyes lit up as he began connecting the dots. “Well, in my case, I suppose it’s like dealing with all my friends in the Hundred Acre Wood. I would use different tools for different situations, right? For example, I might need one tool to help me stay calm when Tigger is bouncing all over the place, but another tool for when I’m feeling gloomy after spending time with Eeyore.”


“Exactly!” I said. “You have the freedom to pick and choose which tools fit each challenge, and you can switch things up as needed.” Pooh continued, “So, if I’m feeling extra anxious about a blustery day, I might choose to sit down and do something calming, like counting my honey jars. But if I’m feeling more energetic, I could go for a walk with Piglet and talk things out. I get to choose what works for me based on how I feel and what I need in the moment.”



Example 3: Growing Over Time

I leaned in closer. “The third and most powerful part of N=1 is that it gives me room to grow. As I’ve tackled new challenges in life—like switching from IT to writing books and speaking publicly—I’ve been able to choose new tools to help me manage those changes. N=1 allows me to adjust and pick different tools as I grow.”


Pooh’s Takeaway:

Pooh started pacing, his paws clasped together in excitement. “Oh, I know exactly how I could use this! You see, when I was younger, I only worried about honey. But now, with all these new adventures—especially when Tigger bounces into the mix—my worries have grown. I could start using different tools as I face new challenges! And if one tool stops working, I can switch it out for something else.”



Pooh’s Eureka Moment

Pooh jumped up from his seat, clearly excited. “Oh, I see now! I can use N=1 to choose tools that help me not only with my honey situation but with managing my anxiety about Tigger bouncing me or even Eeyore’s gloominess. I can pick the tools that work best for me, and if they stop working, I can choose new ones!”


Pooh couldn’t sit still anymore. “I have to go share this with my friends! This is too important not to tell them!” I stood up too, feeling just as energized. “Go ahead, Pooh. Share the warrior power of N=1 with everyone.” And with that, we both headed off—Pooh to share his newfound wisdom with his friends, and me, excited to share this information with a fellow mental health warrior.


The power of N=1, combined with the Self-Help approach, allows us to choose, test, and select the right warrior tools for our lives, empowering us to triumph over any challenge life throws our way!

Bruce Schutter

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